Introduction: What is a blog? & Why am I here?

to put it simply, to begin learning in public.

Introduction: What is a blog? & Why am I here?

A blog is an online journal or website where an individual or a group of people can publish their thoughts and ideas.

It is a forum for expression, creativity, and communication. It is an interactive platform that allows users to post content and also read, comment, and share content.

There's always something new to learn. I decided to talk about tech. I decided to start learning in public. In this article, I introduce myself as a newbie just getting into this space.

Learning in public is a powerful way to develop skills and knowledge. It is the idea of sharing the process of learning with others, allowing us to draw upon their knowledge and experience.

I hope you don't find my article either too simple or too abstract. Please offer suggestions for improvement at each paragraph rather than making assumptions about whether this is an "official" piece, as this will help me write better blog articles in the future.